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Making a plan to meal plan!

To be successful, you need a plan. This also includes planning your meals for the week. Below is a 3-step plan to help you get started in meal planning.

  1. Map out your meals for the week. - Friday

A good recommendation is setting aside 10-15 minutes on Friday to plan for the following week. Look at your calendar to see if you will have any lunch or dinner dates. You can subtract these from your meal planning. Next, think about what do you enjoy eating? Winter time, you might think of soups, chili and other crockpot foods. Check to see what's in season and use these as a base for your meals. Spend some time looking at recipes. Organize your favorites in a binder, save some to your Pinterest board or online in your “favorites.” Plan for theme nights. Also look through your pantry or freezer for anything that needs to “be used up.”

2. Go Shopping - Saturday

When you head out shopping, remember your list. This will reduce your chances of impulse buying. Also check your seasonings. If they are more than a year old, it's time to replace them.

3. Prep Time - Sunday

Decide on Sunday if you will prepare all your meals for the week or organize some to be cooked fresh for your favorite recipe. It will take a little more time on

Sunday, but you'll spend less time during the week in the kitchen.

Here are some prep tips:

  • Consider making double batches and freezing half.

  • Use aluminum foil on your baking sheets for less clean-up.

  • One pot meals are another option with little clean-up.

  • Use a slow cooker for soups, stews and chili. You can start your meal before work and when you get home you are ready to serve.

Meatless Monday

Taco Tuesday

Breakfast for dinner Wednesday

Crockpot Thursday

Pizza Friday

Once you get the hang of meal prepping, it will save you time, money and stress. You will be able to enjoy your meals and the company of friends and family.

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