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Fend Off The Winter Weight With HIIT

Looking to fend off that pesky winter weight without spending countless hours on the treadmill? It’s holiday season, meaning more pumpkin pie and less ambition to be active outside. Make up for that extra scoop of mashed potatoes and give High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) a shot. The premise is to keep the heart rate elevated through quick bouts of exercise followed by short periods of rest. The result is increased metabolism, muscular endurance, and heart health. HIIT is a super efficient way to burn calories and stay conditioned in almost any environment.

Here’s a quick workout that requires no equipment and minimal space. Perform each exercise for 20 seconds back to back with 10 seconds rest between. Take 30 seconds before moving on to the next round. Repeat all 3 rounds 2-3 times. Give it a try!

Round 1:

-High Knees

-Skater Hops

-Jumping Jacks

-Air Squats

Round 2:


-Split Squat Jumps

-Mountain Climbers

-Push Ups

Round 3:

-Side Plank Hip Dips (20 sec each side)



-Plank Punches

Looking for more? Join me for QuickFit, Mondays and Wednesdays at 12:30pm. If you’re interested in personalized workout plans, shoot me an email:

Check out the playlist below for the exercise demo videos

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